Loewe Puzzle Backpack 深灰色
男士雙肩背包 Puzzle Backpack is defined by its innovative cuboid shape as volume is created through precise cutting, extreme tactility and maximum utility. Exuding coolness and edginess, this backpack will instantly become an everyday staple. Key features: crafted from Soft Grained Calfskin with contrasting trims, drawstring top with secure and functional buckle fastening under its diagonal flap, Black hand-painted edges, handy front zip pocket, herringbone-patterned Cotton-Canvas lining with interior compartments for storage and organization, embossed Anagram to tone.
顏色: 深灰色
材料: Soft Grained Calf/Classic Ca
金屬配色: 金屬灰
尺寸: 33×44.5×19 cm
Loewe Puzzle Backpack 深灰色男士雙肩背包

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羅意威幾何雙肩包價格及圖片 LOEWE Puzzle Backpack Deep Blue/Green
羅意威包包臺灣官網 LOEWE Puzzle Backpack Desert/Dark Taupe
Loewe Puzzle Backpack 海軍藍男士雙肩背包
loewe男士雙肩包 幾何雙肩包 LOEWE Puzzle Backpack Grey/Yellow
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羅意威郵差包價格 LOEWE Puzzle Messenger Bag Deep Blue/Green
羅意威郵差包LOEWE Puzzle Messenger Bag Chocolate Brown/Orange
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臺灣新北羅意威郵差包價格 LOEWE Military Messenger Xs Bag 黑色
臺灣臺中市羅意威 LOEWE Puzzle Sling Chocolate Brown/Orange
羅意威意大利官網 LOEWE Puzzle Sling Grey/Yellow
臺灣臺中市 LOEWE Puzzle Sling Deep Blue/Green